What Are the Most Popular Games Women Play?
Women have been playing video games since its inception, yet there has always been a stigma in regards to the games that we play. Up until recently, women have been associated with games such as Animal Crossing, League of Legends and Mario Kart, although these games are amazing our tastes are more diverse than we get credit for. Recently, platforms like Twitch, Mixer, and YouTube have revealed that we have our hands in every gaming genre. Even super violent first-person shooters have always had competitive female players, the world didn’t just realize it.
Questions like “What games do women play? Are they into RPGs and FPS like most guys? Or do they enjoy MMO games?” Have become important to video game companies and gaming platforms. However, we have done our own survey by spending countless hours talking directly to women, combing through relevant data to find the real answers to the most popular games women play. The list below uncovers what we found and can help beginning gamers, parents, couples and everyone in-between understand the true diversity and taste that we have.
Just dance is a follow-along dancing game that was initially released by Ubisoft back in 2009. It is designed for multiples users and works with a scoring system that awards accuracy points for copying dance moves perfectly. Over the years, the game has found its way to mobile and camera devices, so it’s entirely possible to play the game without all the typical gizmos. Just a fun, lighthearted game that even allows you to move around and get some exercise. Of course, this game is not just great for women, it’s great for parties, guys and even couples on game night.
Call of duty is an iconic first-person shooter franchise that started way back in 2003. It has grown dramatically since then and has become a juggernaut franchise. The game mostly focuses on its online squads mode. Not normally a game associated with women, Call of Duty has quite the following amongst female gamers. With smooth gameplay, wonderful graphics and varying levels of competition, it’s no wonder why women love the game.
Minecraft is a creative 3D sandbox game created in 2009. The game allows you to build, gather resources, and even do battle. The sky’s the limit with what you can create. There is really no real goal or aim with Minecraft, the free-spirited game is all about what you want to do. Women gamers enjoy Minecraft for the simple fact that it’s just a fun, addicting, game that encourages creativity and fun. A great game for beginning gamers.
Assassins Creed is an open-world action-adventure franchise that chronicles historical hitmen. The game was mostly about moving between the shadows while eliminating authority figures, but the recent games have taken a turn and have evolved into more of an RPG game, allowing the player to play as aggressively as they want. Although not seen as one of the video games for females, the incredible graphics, compelling storylines and depth makes this popular amongst all genders.
If you are even remotely familiar with video games than you are aware of the Sims. Sims 4 is the fourth iteration of the series, which is a popular life simulation game. It is the most successful Sim game so far, available on PC, MAC, PS4, Xbox One, and mobile. Although Sims 4 is over five years old, it still boasts some of the most extensive customization options and continuity possibilities of any life simulation game. In the game, it is entirely possible to start a family that lasts generations, giving you endless hours of fun customizable gameplay. The countless possibilities and addicting gameplay makes this one of the most popular video games women play.
Star Stable is an MMORPG that is set in the fictional world of Jorvik, a magical paradise for adventure lovers and dedicated equestrians. The game was little known upon its release, but with constant updates and the great multiplayer features, it has rocketed to the top of the MMORPG world. The game is filled with female characters giving an appeal to younger female gamers. What makes the game so special is its ability to allow players to talk to each other, go on adventures, and solve problems together. The game typically brings in a younger female audience. Making Star Stable one of the most popular games girls play on the market.
The games listed above are a small fraction of all the great games that we enjoy. Contrary to popular belief most games are simply non-gendered. It’s not absurd for a guy to hunker down and play a farming or life simulation game, and it’s not weird for a woman to play a first-person shooter. Although one might think having a female character as a lead in a video game is a primary factor in its popularity amongst women, that doesn’t seem to be the case.
Other popular games women play: Animal Crossing, Overwatch, Dota 2, Grand Theft Auto 5, World of Warcraft, Resident Evil, The Borderlands Series and Merge Dragons!
https://gamerwomen.com/games-women-play/https://gamerwomen.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Games-Women-Play-1-1024x682.jpghttps://gamerwomen.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Games-Women-Play-1-300x300.jpgFeaturedfemale characters in video games,female gamers,female video game developers,female video game leads,female video games,Game for girls,gamer girl,gamer girls,games girls play,games that girls play,girls playing video games,video games for females,video games women play,women gamers,Women in video gamesWomen have been playing video games since its inception, yet there has always been a stigma in regards to the games that we play. Up until recently, women have been associated with games such as Animal Crossing, League of Legends and Mario Kart, although these games are amazing our... Gamerwomenco@gmail.comAdministratorGamer Women
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