How Social Expectations Affect the Gaming Ability of Women
Dr. Janet Hyde a psychology professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison analyzed over 100 studies involving over 3 million participants. During her study, she found that girls, not boys scored higher when their cognitive and motor skills were tested in elementary and middle schools. Although this doesn’t seem uncommon, the most interesting part of her study reveals that after the girls were made aware that boys performed better (whether true or not) their performance scores actually lowered.
In another study performed by Steven Spencer, Professor of Psychology at The University of Waterloo revealed eerily similar results. Spencer, conducted studies in hopes to find out if there were any differences in how women and men solved math problems. He discovered that by simply informing women that men scored higher on the tests caused their math scores to lower.
The Stavanger Project, which studied 1400 children over an eight-year period, concluded that young girls had superior self-help and motor skills than their male counterparts. These results differ from studies that were conducted just 40 years ago. The study also spotlighted glaring differences in the developments of children based on their country, customs, and culture.
So what does all of this data actually mean to the gaming world?
Studies like this reveal the impact that social expectations have in our development. The connection between social expectations and performance has proven the test of time and gaming isn’t any different. Unlike many sports, brute strength is taken out of the equation in many video games as memory, reaction time, and motor skills are more critical. So why are most professional gamers men? Well, it’s fairly simple; most games are marketed towards boys starting at a young age. This marketing is visible in all aspects of gaming.
However, it is not all doom and gloom. More girls are gaming at younger ages than ever before and the video gaming industry is taking notice. Not to mention video game professionals such as Katherine ‘Mystik’ Gunn and Vanessa Arteaga that are competing at the highest levels of gaming . Thanks to social progression, the gaming industry is changing, causing us all to wonder how gaming will evolve over the next ten years. gamers,Game for girls,Girl Gamer,Girl Gamers,girls vs boy gamers,history of women in gaming,Professional Gaming,Video gaming skills,Women in gaming,Women in video gamesDr. Janet Hyde a psychology professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison analyzed over 100 studies involving over 3 million participants. During her study, she found that girls, not boys scored higher when their cognitive and motor skills were tested in elementary and middle schools. Although this doesn’t seem uncommon,... Gamerwomenco@gmail.comAdministratorGamer Women
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