Professional gamer girl

Let’s meet professional gamer woman Julia “Bish” Robson. Robson is currently an Esports Correspondent for GINX Esports TV and a professional sponsored gamer from Johannesburg, South Africa. She is one of the leading esports personalities on the continent known for her charming, open and outgoing personality.

● When did you start playing video games (Do you remember the first game)?

I started playing when I was very young. It was a mutual hobby between my brother and I, which is why it became slightly more competitive. I do not remember my first game I ever played, but my first competitive game was Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (Cod4).

● How did you get into competitive gaming (esports)? Is being a professional gamer still your focus?

Yes it is still my focus. I started my competitive career when I was 15 at a monthly LAN in Cape Town. It opened my eyes to the online competitive scene, which introduced me to the COD4 Telkom Do Gaming League. I entered it with a team and we practiced and played everyday. Thereafter, I moved on to playing CSGO. In this game I started attending LAN events at which I competed with a mix-gendered team.

● How would you describe the gaming scene in South Africa? What are the positives & challenges

The gaming scene has increased ten fold over the last few years. With the success of competitive CS:GO, South Africa quickly followed in the international footsteps and currently we have 4 different leagues with large prize pools.

The positives: the esports community is very active and always growing. Businesses are getting more involved in growing the community.
Negatives: geographically our esports community struggles to compete with international teams as it requires far traveling. Teams cannot play in bigger international leagues due to high latency.

● Favorite(s) game of all time?

Cod4 promod and CSGO
Half-life 2

● What activities do you enjoy to do outside of gaming?

I like fitness and I take it quite seriously. I also enjoy horse riding as I used to be a competitive Dressage rider.

● What are you currently working on?

I am currently working on building my personal brand, increasing my influence and gaining a bigger audience for my stream. There is a lot of esports events I would like to become a part of and I plan to become South Africa’s leading esports personality. I am also working on joining a new competitive esports team in which I can play at the highest competitive level in South Africa.

I hope to in a later stage, venture into doing these things globally.

Jules is one of many gamer girls featured on Gamer Women and one of the few professional girl gamer youtubers. Visit her social media pages and watch her entertaining Twitch channel.

Instagram: jules_bish
Twitter: @jules_bish
Facebook: juliabishrobson gamers,female twitch streamers,gamer girl,gamer girls on twitch,gamer women,gamer women interviews,girl gamer youtubers,pro gamer,professional female gamers,Professional Gamer,professional gamer girl,sponsored gamer,twitch girl,twitch girl streamers,video game personalitiesLet’s meet professional gamer woman Julia “Bish” Robson. Robson is currently an Esports Correspondent for GINX Esports TV and a professional sponsored gamer from Johannesburg, South Africa. She is one of the leading esports personalities on the continent known for her charming, open and outgoing personality. ● When did you...Where Women & Gaming Unite