Why are remastered games so popular?

The modern day video game industry prides itself on cutting-edge creativity, innovation, and advancement. However, gamers still love nostalgic characters, stories, and gameplay by their beloved video game makers. Even as the industry continues to grow and graphics improve it’s never a bad time for a video game remake that’s universally loved by fans. With that in mind, here’s a list of fan favorite releases and highly anticipated remastered games.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remaster

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered Video Game. Remastered Games and Remakes

The cool thing about Call of Duty Modern Warfare is that it’s addictively fun to play from start to finish. It also manages to bring an amazing story, incredible visuals, and a multiplayer experience that fans enjoy. This first person shooter, has the same plot and gameplay as the original. This familiarity gives hardcore Call of Duty fans a sense of sentiment. What you get in the end is an incredible, one of a kind experience that will impress even the most casual player.


Resident Evil 0 (Zero)

Resident Evil Zero Video Game remastered in 4K HD

Being able to see the original Resident Evil Zero game in full HD graphics is as realistic as it is scary. This time around the developers added improved lighting and great new textures, while still keeping the classic gameplay intact. With exceptional attention to detail, this Resident Evil remake is not only a blast, but challenging.  A game that is well  received by the community!


Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition

Bulletstorm full clip remake video-game. Remastered Games and Remakes for ps4.

Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition is a remake of a game that didn’t reach it’s full potential commercially the first time around. However, the gameplay is so unbelievable that the makers decided to create a remake. This fun and lighthearted shooter lacks story, but makes up in addicting over the top gameplay. The game plays more like a silly, fun movie than a real life shooter. Although relatively short, the game has great pacing and gives a unique gaming experience.


WipEOut Omega Collection

Wipeout Omega Collection video game remake

WipEOut Omega Collection was released on June of 2017 and includes all the gameplay from Wipeout HD, Wipeout HD Fury, and Wipeout 2048. This classic futuristic racing game gives a feel that you are playing on an older consoles, but with updated graphics and controls. This game is going to be a blast, and should provide hours of amazing gameplay experiences to come. With added 4K support, as well as increased frame rates, this game is destined to be a standout addition to the series.


Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Final Fantasy 7 Remake for ps4. Video game is the remastered version of Final Fantasy VII. Video games remastered

This is a remake of the 1997 smash hit and revolutionary RPG game Final Fantasy 7. Known for it’s great story, immense landscape, and character building. This has been announced for quite some time, but with such attention to detail it’s easy to see why this is hasn’t come to fruition as of yet. The development will be lead by the original cast of the first Final Fantasy VII. As of now the remake doesn’t have a fixed release date, yet will be released on ps4.


PaRappa the Rapper Remastered

Parapper the rapper remastered for ps4 video game

PaRappa was one of the cooler, funnier games of the 90s, and being able to play it once again can be both hilarious and magical. This rhythm action video game main character is a rapping dog with an immense amount of personality and style. The game is made of 2D characters and 3D backgrounds. A game perfect for players of all ages available on the PlayStation 4 network. The anticipation and positive response for this game shows that the game can still find fans in the 21st century as well. 


What’s next for remastered games and remakes

Although this is six fan favorite remastered games and remakes. The remastered game list is rather long, and will continue to be a trend for years to come. The reason is simple, people love nostalgia, and fans want to enjoy their classic favorites with new textures, systems, and improved graphics. At the same time, big gaming companies are able to profit by introducing a new generation of gamers to their older titles, making it a win/win for all parties involved. What are your favorite remastered games?

https://gamerwomen.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Final-Fantasy-VII-Remake-on-PS4-e1496480106665.jpghttps://gamerwomen.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Final-Fantasy-VII-Remake-on-PS4-e1496480106665-150x150.jpgFeaturedcall of duty 4,call of duty 4 modern warfare,call of duty modern warfare,classic video games,ffvii remake,final fantasy 7 ps4,final fantasy 7 remake,final fantasy 7 remake ps4,final fantasy 7 remastered,final fantasy vii,final fantasy vii remake,game remakes,nostalgic video games,PaRappa the Rapper 2,PaRappa the Rapper Remastered,ps4 final fantasy 7 ff7,ps4 release date,Remastered Games,resident evil remake,retro games,Video Game remakesWhy are remastered games so popular? The modern day video game industry prides itself on cutting-edge creativity, innovation, and advancement. However, gamers still love nostalgic characters, stories, and gameplay by their beloved video game makers. Even as the industry continues to grow and graphics improve it’s never a bad time for a...Where Women & Gaming Unite