20 Little Known Video Game Facts That Have Shaped Your Gaming Experience
Did you know that online gaming has been around since the 1980s? Or that the first PlayStation was originally a Nintendo project? We have uncovered 20 fun and interesting video game facts that have dramatically shaped your current experience that you never knew before.
1) Although common amongst gaming enthusiasts, Many casual gamers don’t know that Super Mario Brothers 2 was originally a Japanese game named Doki Doki Panic. The original Super Mario 2 game was deemed too difficult by the company so they simply turned Doki Doki Panic characters into the characters of the Mario world, despite the game switch, the game went on to become a huge success.
2) Gameline was a unique service in the 1980s that allowed gamers to download exclusive games for their Atari 2600 through phone lines. Each Gameline user was considered a member of the service and would be able to compete for high scores and national “champion” titles with other users. The Gameline service didn’t sell much or last very long. However, the technology was used to start America Online in the 90s.
3) The original PlayStation console was originally a Nintendo and Sony partnership console called CD-SNES. However, the deal broke down after the parties couldn’t come to a split revenue agreement. The upset Sony President decided to continue with the project, which eventually became the PSone, spawning Sony into the video game industry.
4) Rockman was the original name for MegaMan and is still used in the Japanese version. However, the US version changed the name. Rumor has it; the name was changed to disassociate the name with “crack-rock” which was a popular street drug at the time of its release.
5) The game Star Fox Adventures for the Nintendo Gamecube was created to be a game called Dinosaur Planet, totally unrelated to the Star Fox series. However, after countless changes, the game eventually became a Star Fox add-on
6) Final Fantasy VII was originally going to be on the Nintendo 64 However, the design company decided to use the PSone due its ability to hold more space.
7) In 1995, Nintendo Superfamicon came out with Satellaview. The device allowed players to download news, games, and add additional levels to their current games. The system worked via a TV satellite broadcast station.
8) Fable 1 was set to have a multiplayer mode yet the concept was cancelled due to time constraints.
9) The first computer game to ever actually be played in outer space is Starcraft. This occurred on shuttle mission STS-96 in 1999
10) The now famous Super Mario, was once a carpenter named Jumpman in the original Donkey Kong arcade game
11) Super Mario’s last name is actually Mario. Making his full name Mario Mario
12) Although many believe that Nintendo means, “Leave luck to heaven” there is no record to confirm the actual meaning of the name.
13) Toshiyuki Takahashi, the former PR executive for the gaming company Hudson Soft is known as the world’s faster button pusher at 16 times per second.
14) Pauline is the name of the woman in the original Donkey Kong that is saved by Mario.
15) Atrai Lynx (1989) was the first color handheld electronic game. The technology in the game also allowed players to link to each other for multiplayer gaming.
16) In 1997 Tiger created Game.com, which was a handheld gaming console. The console was not well received by fans, but was ahead of it’s time in some aspects including the ability to connect to the internet and its touchscreen feature.
17) Sonic the hedgehog’s first appearance in a video game was as an air fresher emblem in the Sega video game Rad Mobile.
18) The human gene responsible for separating the right brain from the left is called Sonic Hedgehog.
19) The voice actor Charles martinet is the voice of Mario, Luigi, Wario, Shinobi and Paarthurnax.
20) Link from the Zelda Universe was directly inspired by Peter Pan according to the designer Shigeru Miyamoto

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