Video Game Hack and surprises for video Games Gamer Women

Metal Gear Solid: Psycho Mantis Boss

Meeting Psycho Mantis for the first time was truly shocking.  The character seemed to be able to do the impossible. The Metal Gear Solid boss could shake your controller and make your television go blank. He even has the ability to read your memory card and tell you your recent gaming patterns. Psycho Mantis will leave you clueless and send a chill down your spine when you meet him for the first time.



Mario 3: Warp Whistles

Did you know that Mario 3 has three separate hidden flutes that will allow you to skip through most of the game? Mario has always been known for its hidden doors and random facts. However, this hack in particular caused many Mario 3 players to beat the game without even playing it.


Super Smash Bros Melee: Play As Master Hand

The Super Smash Bros. Master Hand is an unbelievable video game hack. It allows you to play as the master hand and smack around your opponents with no need for defensive.  The hack is quite difficult to perform, yet when you figure it out, it gives you the definition of an unfair advantage.


Metroid: Samus Aran

In Metroid you play as the world’s greatest Bounty hunter. In this fun and exciting game, you are a tall and athletic warrior that always wears full body armor. During the entire game, you never get to see who your favorite hero really is. However, you do build connection with your heroic character.


In the first Metroid game after beating the game in a certain time frame, you finally get to see who’s behind the mask. On your screen appears an unarmored Samus Aran. This revelation shocked many players, as there weren’t many woman hero leads in video games. Prior to Samus Aran, the majority of the women in games played the damsel in distress role. Today Samus Aran is still the most played female character in gaming history.


Donkey Kong, Atari 400- Hidden Initials

This secret took 26 years for anyone to find. Programmer Landon Dyer, like many other developers wanted to hide a hack in the game so he decided to hide his initials in the game. This gaming secret would have never been discovered if Dyer himself had not mentioned it. So much time had past that even he didn’t even remember the code to unlock his own secret. However, crafty online hackers discovered the code and the Donkey Kong secret was finally revealed.


Duck Hunt – Duck’s revenge

Did you know that you can play as the duck in the original Duck Hunt game for Nintendo. To do this, you simply have to plug your controller in the second port in the single duck mode. An easy, yet extremely fun hack. The irony of this secret is that it’s actually in the instruction manual yet, many players didn’t discover this until years later.


GTA (Grand Theft Auto) – Listen To Your Own Music

On all the Grand Theft Auto games for the original PlayStation you are able to take out the game disc and play your favorite CD in the middle of the game. The game continues to play without a blemish and your music only plays when you’re in the car. This video game hack is also available for Grand Theft Auto games for the PC. 


Legend of Zelda – Hidden Room

Among being on of the best games of all time for beginners. Zelda for Super Nintendo had a secret room that didn’t get discovered until recently. The secret room contained the winner of a Nintendo Power (Magazine) competition. The room didn’t get discovered until hackers found it via emulation software.


Diablo Series – Cow Rumor

The portal in Diablo II that brought players into a world of axe-wielding cows was actually inspired by rumors that there was a secret level involving cows in Diablo 1. Although these rumors for Diablo 1 have always been denied by Blizzard Entertainment.


Call of Duty: Black Ops – Attack of the Zombies

One of the more recent video game hacks. Involves Call of Duty: Black Ops. In the starting menu you are able to move your character to the adjacent computer. Once you do this and type in the words “DOA” you are able to play a zombie shooter called named Dead Ops. You can also type in the word “Zork” and play a text based adventure game.


This game exists in Black Ops 3 as well, you can find it in the Campaign self-house, data vault at the top left “secret” option. To unlock this you just have to do the third mission campaign. The Zombie Op Arcade game 2 looks and feels incredible.


Mega Man X series – Hadouken Finisher

In the Mega Man X series you are able to obtain and use Ryu’s signature (Street Fighter) Hadouken move. This powerful move can destroy bosses with one hit.


What is your favorite video game hack of all-time? video game easter eggs,best Video Game secrets,easter egg games,game hacks,game secrets,history of video games,random video,secrets in video games,video game easter eggs,Video game facts,Video game hacks,video game secrets,zombie games hackedMetal Gear Solid: Psycho Mantis Boss Meeting Psycho Mantis for the first time was truly shocking.  The character seemed to be able to do the impossible. The Metal Gear Solid boss could shake your controller and make your television go blank. He even has the ability to read your memory...Where Women & Gaming Unite