Ouassima is a Youtube gamer girl that built her channel without ever showing her faceOuassima is a popular YouTuber with over 100,000 subscribers to her channel. If you’ve looked online for  fatalities in Mortal Kombat X you’ve probably seen a video made by Ouassima (or MsLaraCroftx as she goes by on YouTube).

Her most popular video has over 1.5 million views! Most of her videos are of her kicking butt in fighting games or unique voice-overs and endings to her favorite games. Hailing from The Hague (Den Haag) in The Netherlands Ouassima was gracious enough to interview with Gamer Women about her YouTube success, her love for gaming and the impact that gaming has had on her life.    


What was your first gaming experience?

Watching my brother play Doom, Duke Nukem, and Tomb Raider looked so much fun! I first started with Sonic The Hedgehog and Tomb Raider. I really got into Unreal Tournament 1999 in my teenager years!


Do you mostly only play fighting games? If so, why/why not?MsLaraCroftx shows Mortal Kombat X walkthroughs and animation

I play everything except for horror games. Right now I play The Last of Us Remastered factions, Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, Nathan Drake Collection, Left 4 Dead 2 (PC) and Evolve (PC). I think I spend the most time in Mortal Komat X because I stream it a lot and make videos. Sometimes when I’ve played a lot of MK X, I need to take a couple of days off because it’s sometimes overwhelming for me. That is when I play the other games that I said before. 

I’ve been into fighting games since I was young, but really got into it when I played Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance and Deception on the Xbox. Before MK 9 came out, I was kind of hyped because the game would be 2D again and that’s where it started. I’ve been playing it a lot and decided to join some local tournaments here.


Do you play with any local players or online only (Do you have an online rank)?

They are doing casual meetings in my town, but usually I’m not available on those days, but I will join them soon. I also play a lot online, I don’t look at my rank because it doesn’t say how good you actually are in my opinion.


Do you participate in any tournaments? If so, how has your experience been and how do you typically fair?AFK Rotterdam Tournament in the Netherlands

We have a tournament once a month here, it’s called AFK Rotterdam. I try to join every time to get better at the game and to learn where my weaknesses are. I think I’m getting better every time as I learn new optimal combos each tournament. And offline play is so different compared to online, there’s no lag. That’s why the tournaments and meet-ups are so effective. The experience has been great! My highest placement was 5th.  


What made you start doing YouTube videos?

It’s all because of my brother, he’s also a YouTuber. At the time that Uncharted 3 was released, you could upload them from the PS3. I did that couple of times and got a few views which was amazing! Before Injustice: Gods Among Us was released, my brother told me I should get a capture card so it would be easy to record gameplay from my PS3 and that’s where it started. I was uploading Uncharted 3 matches and Injustice: Gods Among Us at the time.


What do you think has made your YouTube grow so fast? 

I think because I’m uploading trendy stuff, so like when Injustice: Gods Among us was released, I started to upload character ladders and intro compilations. The same with the Batman franchise. In the last year I’ve gained around 50,000 subscribers and that’s all because of Mortal Kombat X! In November I decided to do a face reveal so people would know the face behind all the videos 


What is your Favorite game(s) of all time? What is your favorite movie?

Unreal Tournament 1999 is the best FPS I’ve ever played! The story is amazing and the online play is the best! I’ve met a lot of great people on it. Too bad not a lot of people are playing it anymore, but there’s a remake coming one of these years. The Pre-Alpha is so much fun, the final game will be amazing!

Red Dead Redemption, Jade Empire, The Last of Us, the Tomb Raider and Uncharted series are also among my favorites. My favorite movie, hmm that’s a hard one! I think it would be The Lovely Bones, Batman trilogy of Christopher Nolan and The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I watch a lot of movies and so many I love it’s hard to pick just one.


What activities do you enjoy outside of gaming? 

I like to watch movies/TV shows, going out with family and friends, playing with my adorable cat, kickboxing and traveling!


Do you have a dream career or experience that you want to pursue?

My life’s goal is to see the world. My dream career would be in the field of User Experience and Gaming!


Do you have a favorite gaming system? 

I can’t choose between PC and PS4, I think they’re both unique in their own way and Youtube gamer girl loves Evolvesome games are better to play on the other system. Like Evolve, I have it on PS4 but it doesn’t play as  smooth as on the PC. When it comes to Tomb Raider, platform games, PS4 is the better gaming system.


What is your favorite content to post to your channel? Any future goals or plans for your channel?

My favorite content to post are the intro dialogues of MK X, I’m having so much fun while doing those. And the ladders of different characters. My subscribers would like to see more videos with commentary and facecam, like the online matches that I’ve done. So I think I will make more of those videos. They enjoy seeing my reaction while playing against people. Too bad the software isn’t working flawlessly, which is why I couldn’t make those videos anymore. I’ll fix it soon!

My goal is to hit 100k subs! That’s an incredible milestone for me. I’ve been on YouTube for 5 years and the last year surprised me with the amount of subscribers I’ve gained. I never expected to grow this fast. I think I’ll try to do more games in the future with commentary, I’ll stick with the fighting games for sure, but it would be a nice addition to my channel to include the other games I play.

What is your best experience since you’ve started doing YouTube videos?

My best experience is when someone told me I’m making a difference in their bad day or I inspired them or they see me as a role model. I never thought I had this impact on people’s lives, this teared me up. Especially in my culture (Moroccan culture in the Netherlands) it’s rare that females play video games. The other day I got an e-mail from a Dutch-Moroccan girl that asked me if she should start a gaming channel and ask how it was to be a female YouTube gamer because she enjoys my videos and likes to play video games, but she’s afraid for comments of other people. I was overwhelmed because I don’t know anyone in my neighborhood that plays video games. I was so happy that there are more out there! This is one of the reasons I’m doing YouTube videos, to inspire more people especially in cultures where it’s rare.


Check out Ouassima’s YouTube Channel and connect with her on social media:

Youtube Icon www.youtube.com/user/MsLaraCroftx

Twitch logowww.twitch.tv/mslaracroftx


Twitter Icon twitter.com/LOSTyGIRL

https://gamerwomen.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/MsLaraCroftx-YouTube-Gamer-Girl.jpghttps://gamerwomen.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/MsLaraCroftx-YouTube-Gamer-Girl-150x150.jpgSpotlightsfemale gamers,female youtube gamers,gamer girl,gamer women,gamer women interviews,gaming youtube,girl gamer on twitch,Girl Gamers,girl gaming channels,girls playing video games,how to be a youtube gamer,Women in gaming,Youtube gamer,Youtube gamer girlOuassima is a popular YouTuber with over 100,000 subscribers to her channel. If you’ve looked online for  fatalities in Mortal Kombat X you’ve probably seen a video made by Ouassima (or MsLaraCroftx as she goes by on YouTube). Her most popular video has over 1.5 million views! Most of her...Where Women & Gaming Unite