The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Revisited
If you’re familiar with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time you know fans love this classic game. If you’ve experienced the amazing graphics and stellar storyline yourself then you are one of those fans. The sound, graphics, and gameplay are the perfect ingredients for the best Nintendo 3DS game ever. No matter how much you play, you’ll be looking forward to playing more.
Although the graphics are less than steller on the games prior to the 3ds version, it does not stop players from enjoying this game. The game’s legacy is defined by the thousands of reviewers who acknowledged it as a work of art. Over the years, the Zelda series has garnered lots of followers. From calling it the best 3ds games for kids to those declaring the game the best Zelda game of all-time, the fans have left no stone unturned.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Reviews
Since its launch, the Ocarina of Time has become a clear fan favorite in the Zelda series. From thousands of player videos to one of the most loved soundtracks in a video game, it has it all. That said, let’s look at what everyone (including us!) loves about this game. Let’s explore further why people cannot stop themselves from playing this game. The game was quite futuristic for its time, if you ignore the low resolution. With the Ocarina of Time Nintendo introduced many interesting features.
In the game, you could map certain items to the buttons on your controller. This gave you quick access to the objects you used the most. Additionally, you can also switch the camera angles for optimized gameplay.
Because of the N64’s hardware limitations, the game would have been a first-person game. However, Takumi Kawagoe, the man behind the Mario 64 camera, was roped in to make some adjustments to the camera angle. Thanks to his expertise, we now have a stunning third-person game for the 3ds.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Storyline
Like all of the games in the Zelda series, this one too comes with a brilliant plotline. Link wakes up in his village behind the infamous Lost Woods. The story revolves around Link’s quest to defeat Ganondorf (the evil antagonist!) and protect Hyrule.
The game begins with the Great Deku Tree (Link’s protector), sending Navi (a fairy) to guide him through multiple quests. Navi then takes Link to the Great Deku Tree who tells the hero that he has been cursed by Ganondorf!
Only Link can break the curse with the help of special powers and weapons received by the Great Deku Tree. In the end, let’s just say the user must save Hyrule and defeat Ganondorf. For the full story, give the Ocarina of Time a try.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Walkthrough
The obsession for the Zelda series amongst the fans knows no limits. For every level, you’ll find at least a hundred walkthrough videos. The Zelda community is quite accepting and helps new players fall in love with the game, just like they did with their detailed walkthroughs.
The latest Zelda addition to the Switch’s library—Breath of the Wild—scored 97 on Metacritic. However, it still does not beat the Ocarina of Time that stands proudly at 99.
To explain the popularity of the Zelda series, let us tell you what happened when the latest game didn’t fare well (comparatively). Initially, the Breath of the Wild received a 98 score but after Jim Sterling (a vlogger) rated the game 7 out of 10, it dropped to 97. After this instance, Sterling got many messages from disgruntled Zelda fans. If you hadn’t guessed it yet, these threats were from furious Zelda fans!
Will The Legend of Zelda Ocarina come out on Switch?
Lately, there have been rumors of the game finding its way into the Switch library. But they are complete hearsay. So far, Nintendo has given no indication that they are converting this timeless classic into a switch-compatible game. Although if they launch it on the switch, we are sure many gamers who grew up playing the Ocarina of Time will end up buying the console as it is already being anticipated as one of the best Switch games on the market.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Soundtrack
The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time songs you’ll hear in the Zelda series is marvelous. The gaming experience is enhanced significantly thanks to the tunes included in the game. Koji Kondo delivered a songbook full of melodies that worked perfectly for the game’s setting. Eerie tunes to represent locations like dungeons and cheerful melodies for lively locations made a lot of difference.
Besides the complex soundtracks, what makes this game special are the multitude of sound effects. Wherever you go, you will hear a captivating sound effect to fit the scene. Clanking of the windmill, every drop of water, and a gust of wind—all the sound effects are phenomenal.
Also, if you hit an object with a sword, you’ll hear a distinct clank. Similarly, the second you shoot an arrow, you’ll hear a very convincing sound. All these sound effects make you forget about your surroundings and get lost in the magical Zelda dimension!
Yes, it is the best action-adventure game for 3DS. But even on the big screen, there could be potential issues. The low resolution and inconsistencies will become quite clear if it is ported directly to Switch.
If a remake is actually in the making, it would take a lot of effort for Nintendo to translate the game over to the Switch. And when it’s out, we are sure the younger audience will love it just as we do! If you haven’t tried the Ocarina of Time and call yourself a Zelda fan, it’s about time you woke up. Get the game and start playing, you’ll thank us later. 3ds game,best 3ds game ever,best 3ds games for kids,best 3ds zelda game,best action-adventure game for 3ds,egend of zelda ocarina of time walkthrough,legend of zelda ocarina of time 3ds,legend of zelda ocarina of time gameplay,legend of zelda ocarina of time music,legend of zelda ocarina of time n64,Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Switch,legend of zelda ocarina of time walkthrough 3ds,The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time,The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time reviews,the legend of zelda ocarina of time songsIf you're familiar with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time you know fans love this classic game. If you've experienced the amazing graphics and stellar storyline yourself then you are one of those fans. The sound, graphics, and gameplay are the perfect ingredients for the best Nintendo 3DS... Gamerwomenco@gmail.comAdministratorGamer Women
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